16 Nov Users List
Users List
Once the roles list has been set up, the next step with QuickBooks Enterprise Solution 5 is to set up the user.
QBEA-5: Company > Set Up Users And Roles > User List
As with previous versions of QuickBooks, the default user is called Admin. This name should be left as such, with a password that only those individuals who have access to changing company preferences and setting up users and roles know.
From the User List tab, it is possible to set up new users, edit existing users, duplicate or delete users. The box at the bottom of the screen details which roles have been assigned to that user.
QBEA-5: Company > Set Up Users And Roles > User List > New
The user name and password (and password confirmation) are set up, and roles that have been created can be added to the user. Once the user has been entered, click on OK. To view the permissions, click on the appropriate button at the bottom of the user list screen.
Another enhancement to this feature is the ability to print the permissions from the view screen.
QBEA-5: Company > Set Up Users And Roles > User List > Click on user > View Permissions