15 Nov Release 7
Maintenance Release 7
Release 7 for Version 2004 was released July 13, 2004. This new release corrects a problem with vendor EIN numbers created by Release 6.
Maintenance releases are an important part of keeping the QuickBooks software up-to-date. These free “patches” are available via download directly from Intuit.
Maintenance releases can be internal within Intuit (i.e. the end user may see release numbers that jump since the release was not made public) or they can be available for the end user.
According to Intuit, maintenance releases provide feature enhancements.
The main issue addressed with Release 7 was a situation where vendor tax identification numbers were converted to an EIN format from a social security number format with Release 6.
The complete information on this issue is available from Intuit”s support web site.