15 Nov Release 5
Version 2004 Release 5
No, you did not miss the first 4 releases. Each release is numbered for internal purposes by Intuit even if it is not available to the public. We always recommend downloading the most recent release. With this release, however, we have been seeing more complaints of download time and install errors.
Some of the changes with the maintenance release on the current version 2004 products are: the removal of marketing messages from most forms, condensing a file with a large number of payments completed faster, item descriptions now import correctly when using the iif format, several payroll changes, and much more. The list is too extensive to list here, but all the changes are summarized on the QuickBooks Version 2004 Product Updates page.
To remain current with the maintenance releases, there is an option for automatic updates on the newer versions. When this feature is turned on, each time the computer connects with the internet, the software will check to see if a new update is available. Or, it is possible to register with Intuit to be notified as new releases are available by visiting http://pref.enews.quickbooks.com/intuit/qb_prefctr.asp or choosing to sign up for newsletters from the QuickBooks.com home page.