23 Nov QAnalyzer
<h3><a name=”_Toc73248523″><em>Business Dashboard</em></a></h3>
<p>The Business Dashboard is a product developed by Graphics Server. It is a highly flexible and powerful visual reporting tool for QuickBooks users who need frequent updates on key business metrics. This information is displayed as key business data in the form of graphs, lists, snapshots, and text. The result is that managers and decision makers are provided with insight into their organizations trends and anomalies, improving decision making, spotlighting new revenue opportunities and possible cost cutting measures. This is designed for quick reference that can be referred to often.</p>
<p>The cost of the product is $149 for a single user or $499 for a site license.</p>
<p>For more information visit <a href=”http://www.businessdashboards.com/index.aspx”>http://www.businessdashboards.com/index.aspx</a></p>
<h2>More information on this topic</h2>
<p><a href=”http://www.4luvofbiz.com/kb/premium.php?cat=25&id=1561″>Financial Analysis Add-Ons</a></p>