17 Nov Jobs Costs Detail Report
Job Costs Detail Report
With version 2004, this report only includes the costs from the expense tab of expenditures and payroll costs that have been paid and assigned to the specific customer:job, not the items. Alternatives: 1) The same report for only the costs (not the payroll costs) can be created by using the unbilled costs by job report then filtering for the date range and changing the billing status to all (not just unbilled). 2) The same report that includes the items as well as the costs and payroll expenses can be created by using the Job Profitability Summary Report then double click on the total at the bottom of the report. Note: It is the opinion of the author this alternative is better than the new industry specific report because it includes items as well.
QBRA-2004: Reports: Industry Specific > Contractor Reports > Job Costs Detail