16 Nov Items Overview
Items Overview
An item is anything that a business will sell. The easiest way to think about an item is to understand that it is the link between the information entered into a form and the transaction that is recorded to the various accounts in the general ledger. Any line that will have a corresponding dollar amount with it will require an item. The list can be as simple or as complicated as you choose. For example, if the business sells pizzas, one item is all that is required. As each invoice is created, the description and price could be revised as needed. The other alternative would be to create items for each of the different kinds of pizzas sold. This approach would eliminate the need for revisions as the invoice is created since the description and price would come up automatically. More sophisticated sales reports would also be possible in the latter example.
List Limits Expanded
For most QuickBooks users, the list limit for the QuickBooks Pro and Premier products of 14,500 is sufficient. For some, however, that is not the case. We have been seeing increased list size for a variety of reasons. One of the most common is the increased number of customers as the result of web site sales. For version 6 and prior, the list limit was doubled for the Enterprise Solutions Product. New with version 7, the Enterprise Solutions limit has been removed.