21 Oct Legrand CRM
Many small businesses need a CRM product and although most state that they work with QuickBooks, few really do in a meaningful way. Legrand is the exception to that rule. We have spent many hours working directly with their developers to help them truly understand what the small business QuickBooks user needs and wants: true integration. This integration is required in a software program that is quick and easy to learn and use in under 30 minutes. They have heard our plea and provided a solution! Contact us to learn more.
A free 30 day trial is available. Please enter McWilliams & Associates, Inc. in the Referred by box. Thanks.
For more information about what is included in each of the editions of the product, please click on the link below.
Legrand CRM integrates with QuickBooks Pro and Premier versions 2007-2010 plus Enterprise Solution version 7-10. It supports the USA, Canada, UK, and Australia editions of QuickBooks. Legrand CRM also integrates with MYOB and Sybiz Vision.
Legrand CRM’s QuickBooks Integration THE Best Available!
Legrand CRM: Our Top 12 Features
Featured Add-On: Legrand CRM Software
Does the prospect of implementing a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system intimidate you? Are you concerned that you won’t know how to most effectively use the program to capture the information that will directly translate into higher sales and better customer service within your organizations? If so, that is where we can help. With countless hours of working through the issues you will encounter with other clients, we are in a unique position to get you up to speed fast!
To Purchase the Product or Optional Modules please contact us. All products are downloadable. To have access to a demo, trial, or for upgrade pricing for previous Legrand customers, please contact us.