23 Nov Advanced Intuit Password Recovery Tool
Advanced Intuit Password Recovery Tool
What the tool will do
The Advanced Intuit Password Recovery tool, developed by Elcomsoft, was designed to allow businesses to continue to use their valuable data when documents’ passwords are lost accidentally or intentionally. From the accountant’s standpoint, this tool is invaluable to quickly disclose what version of QuickBooks is being used. In addition, it can be used to eliminate wasted time trying to find the password and/or contact the client to obtain the password. It is also a useful tool when the client forgets, or the bookkeeper leaves without disclosing, the passwords on the QuickBooks files.
The tool works with Quicken versions 4 through 2005 and QuickBooks versions 4 through 2005 and limited support for Quicken 2003. Note: for Quicken 2002 and higher QuickBooks 2004 and higher, only short passwords can be recovered, but passwords containing 4 or more characters can only be removed.
Be aware that the assumption used throughout this document is that the individual using the tool to disclose or remove the password is authorized to access the data contained in the file.
How to obtain the tool
The tool is a downloadable product that can be obtained by clicking on the following links:
For the free trial version that will disclose the version but not the password visit our web store.
For the fully functioning version of the tool go to our web store.
Once you add the product to the cart, view the cart, and proceed to the checkout, an e-mail with the link to download the product will be received.
- Download the zip file to your local drive noting where it has been saved.
- Unzip the file and pay attention to where the file is located. WinZip or StuffIt Expander is required to unzip the zip file. Both programs are available for free in Mac and PC formats. PC Users: To download a free evaluation version of WinZip 8.1, go to: http://www.winzip.com/ddchomea.htm Mac Users: To download a free version of StuffIt Expander, go to: http://www.stuffit.com/expander/index.html
- When you unzip the software it will automatically install.
- If you purchase the fully functioning version, a key code to “unlock” the software will be e-mailed to you within 24 hours. To enter the code, simply click on key and you will be prompted to cut and paste the key code number.