22 Nov Legrand CRM/ QuickBooks 2005 integration:; How it Works Application Note
Legrand CRM / QuickBooks 2005 integration:
‘How it Works’ Application Note
Submitted by Andrew Muollo, Vice President of Sales, Legrand RM Software Inc.
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The purpose of this document is to give users a detailed understanding of how the Legrand CRM / QuickBooks interface works and the data that is displayed. It is not meant to detail how to setup the interface please see AppNote_QuickBooks2005_setup.doc for further information on the setup.
This document is split between three sections,
- The difference between licensed and unlicensed accounting interface Legrand users
- Explanation of data imported and displayed.
- Explanation of menu options available.
Difference between Licensed and Unlicensed Users
Licensed Users
Users with a valid accounting interface license will have access to ‘live’ data available in the financial summary Accounting (upper) tab i.e. when selecting a company Legrand CRM will access the QuickBooks database to update the information displayed, and access to all options available on the Accounting action menu.
Note. To have ‘live’ data access link the QuickBooks data must be accessible.
As well as the transactions list on the Accounting transaction (lower) tab and the ability to drill down into the selected transactions.
Note. QuickBooks must be installed on the PC for this feature.
Unlicensed Users
Users without a valid accounting interface license will only have access to the financial summary Accounting (upper) tab, the information displayed will be as recent as the date of last financial import, and this can be viewed on the Updated on field.
Data Imported and Displayed
Note. QuickBooks ‘Job’ details are not imported into Legrand CRM as a separate company. The Job financials are imported and added to the ‘parent’ companies summary info and is displayed on the financial summary Accounting (upper) tab.
When a QuickBooks company is first imported the QuickBooks ‘main’ contact details are imported as the Legrand Primary contact, the Alt. contact is also imported.
For all ‘updates’ to and from Legrand the primary contact is the only data that will be transferred.
The fields are linked as.
QuickBooks field |
Legrand Field |
Company (if blank then Customer Name) |
Company |
(Main) Phone |
(Company) Phone |
Fax |
(Company) Fax |
QuickBooks Address line1 |
Legrand Address line1 * (see Note 1) |
QuickBooks Address line2 |
Legrand Address line2 * (see Note 1) |
QuickBooks Address line3 |
Legrand Address line3 * (see Note 1) |
QuickBooks Address line4 |
Legrand Address line4 * (see Note 1) |
QuickBooks City |
Legrand City |
QuickBooks State / Province |
Legrand State |
QuickBooks Zip / Post Code |
Legrand PostCode |
QuickBooks Country / Region |
Legrand Country |
First Name |
Firstname |
Last Name |
Lastname |
Mr./Ms./… |
Salutation |
Email1 |
(Main) Phone |
(Primary contact) Phone ** (see Note 2) |
Alt contact |
Creates a secondary Legrand contact ** (see Note 2) |
Alt phone |
Contact phone for secondary contact ** (see Note 2) |
Note. QuickBooks ‘contact’ field is not linked.
* Note 1. How the addresses details are transferred is heavily influenced by the selectable settings at File > Accounting > Link to QuickBooks > View Settings, please see this section in the ‘Menu Options Available’ section of this document.
** Note 2. These fields are only imported when the QuickBooks customer is initially created into Legrand as a company. These fields are not updated.
Accounting Tab
The information displayed for the Payments Outstanding amounts are based on preferences as set in QuickBooks i.e. the Reports and Graphs preferences ‘Aging Report’ and ‘Summary Reports Basis’.
Note. QuickBooks ‘Job’ financials are added or combined to the ‘parent’ companies summary info and is displayed on the financial summary Accounting (upper) tab. The address details are not imported into Legrand CRM as a separate company.
Note. The ‘Updated on’ field displays the date and time of when the displayed information was updated.
For users with a valid accounting interface license this data will be display as ‘live’ i.e. when selecting a company Legrand CRM will access the QuickBooks database to update the information displayed.
Users without a live link i.e. without an accounting interface license or without a connection to the QuickBooks data e.g. a travelling synchronization user, the information will be as resent as when the import of financials was last done.
The Updated on field displays when the information was last updated.
The payments outstanding totals are aged as.
QuickBooks field |
Legrand Field |
Current + 1 – 30 |
Current |
31 – 60 |
Period 1 |
61 – 90 |
Period2 |
90+ |
Period3 |
Note. The Legrand Screen labels can be customized to match the QuickBooks fields, Access via: Administration > System Administration > Screen Labels.
Accounting (Transaction) Tab
(Only available for users with a valid accounting interface license).
The transactions displayed on the Accounting transaction (lower) tab are split into two sections, Posted and Non Posted.
Posted transactions include Credit Memos, Invoices and Sales Receipts.
Non Posted transactions include Sales Orders and Estimates.
Drilling down (double left mouse clicking) will launch the display screen for the corresponding transaction in QuickBooks.
QuickBooks must be installed on the PC for this feature. The data is not imported into the Legrand CRM database.
Menu Options Available.
File > Accounting > Link to QuickBooks > View Settings
(Only available for users with a valid accounting interface license).
Link Legrand Street address
Users are given the ability to determine how the Legrand Company and QuickBooks Customer address details are transferred.
If your QuickBooks customers have only ‘Bill to’ address then it is recommended you link Legrand Street to QuickBooks Bill to.
Insert Legrand Company & Primary Contact name into QuickBooks Bill To address
When sending Legrand Company details to QuickBooks (both creating new and when updating) if this tick box is selected Company name and Primary Contact names will be inserted as Address 1 and Address 2 in the QuickBooks address.
If this option is selected it is recommended a company policy be in place that all addresses updates by staff are entered in Legrand CRM, the changes are then updated to QuickBooks, not from QuickBooks to Legrand CRM. The reason for this is if you update Legrand details from QuickBooks you will import the company name and contact name into the Legrand address details, this will not be consistent with other Legrand Companies not linked to QuickBooks.
File > Accounting > Link to QuickBooks.
(Only available for users with a valid accounting interface license).
Get latest financial data
Imports the financial data as displayed on the financial summary Accounting (upper) tab into the Legrand CRM database, including the notes section.
Scan QuickBooks for any accounts that do not exist in Legrand CRM.
Scans QuickBooks for any customers that do not already exist in the Legrand CRM database.
Scan Legrand CRM for any accounts to be created in QuickBooks.
Scans Legrand CRM for any companies that have been flagged for creation in QuickBooks.
Update Legrand CRM company details with data from QuickBooks
Updates the Legrand CRM company and contact details (linked as detailed above) with data from QuickBooks.
Update QuickBooks company details with data from Legrand CRM
Updates the QuickBooks customer (and primary contact) details (linked as detailed above) with data from Legrand CRM.
File > Accounting > Disconnect current link.
Disconnects the existing link to QuickBooks, this is used mainly by users that access more than one QuickBooks database and thus have a requirement to constantly change QuickBooks databases.
Accounting (menu option available on the financial summary Accounting (upper) tab)
Left mouse click to access.
Create Next Time
Flags the company for creation in QuickBooks next time the interface is run. This is mainly used by users without a ‘live’ link.
Create Now (Only available for users with a valid accounting interface license).
Creates the company immediately in QuickBooks.
Link to Existing Accounting Entity (Only available for users with a valid accounting interface license.)
Allows user to enter in the QuickBooks unique identifier code, thus linking the Legrand CRM Company to a Customer already existing in QuickBooks.
Clear Link (Only available for users with a valid accounting interface license).
Allows user to clear or ‘break’ the link between Legrand CRM Company and QuickBooks Customer.
Get Update of Financial data (Only available for users with a valid accounting interface license).
Preform individual ‘on the fly’ import of the financial data (into the database) as displayed on the financial summary Accounting (upper) tab into the Legrand CRM database, including the notes section.
Get Customer Address Update from Accounting (Only available for users with a valid accounting interface license).
Preform individual ‘on the fly’ update of the Legrand CRM company and contact details (linked as detailed above) with data from QuickBooks.
Send Customer Address Update from Accounting (Only available for users with a valid accounting interface license).
Preform individual ‘on the fly’ update of the QuickBooks customer (and primary contact) details (linked as detailed above) with data from Legrand CRM.
Accounting tab (lower)
Refresh Sales History
Refreshes the transaction list displayed.
Transaction for period:
Allows you to select the period of the transaction list displays (from current date), options are 1, 3, 6, 12 months and All.
Allows you to select which transactions are display, Posted (Invoices, Sales Receipts and Credit Memos) or Non Posted (Sales Orders and Estimates).
The Accounting Link will operate faster if QuickBooks is running on your computer when you execute Accounting Link.
The sales transaction drill down feature requires this QuickBooks to be running.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Can I link companies that already exist in both Legrand and QuickBooks?
A. Yes by accessing the Accounting action menu you can select Link to Existing Accounting Entity (Only available for users with a valid accounting interface license).
This will allow you to enter in the QuickBooks unique identifier code, thus linking the Legrand CRM Company to a Customer already existing in QuickBooks.
Q. When running the interface will it check for duplicates based on similar names?
A. When importing data from QuickBooks into Legrand the interface does check for duplicate records based on an exact match for the company name and city.
Q. Can I import what items sales history for a customer?
A. The Accounting transaction (lower) tab display displays the sales transactions which can be drilled down into for further detail.
Also the Legrand CRM option module Item Tracking allows you to track the items you have sold a customer, while this information is not directly imported into Legrand using the interface it can be import via a .CSV file.
Having this information imported in the CRM database allows your staff to make informed decisions on the customer, based on the items they have purchased from your company without giving them access to sensitive information in your accounting system. As the information is imported in the database it is available to users regardless of whether they can connect to the QuickBooks database i.e. travelling Sales people.
Q: Can I control which of my QuickBooks contacts are imported into Legrand CRM?
A: Yes, Legrand CRM Accounting Link will scan your QuickBooks database and will present you with the list of QuickBooks Contacts that do not yet exist in Legrand CRM. You can decide to import all QuickBooks contacts, or can individually select which ones to import.
Q: Once my Customer information has been transferred to Legrand CRM what happens to address changes?
A: You control the updating of addresses. Typically we recommend that you implement a policy that specifies which system, CRM or Accounting will be considered the master database for address information. When you run the Accounting Link you can choose whether Legrand CRM updates QuickBooks addresses or the other way around. You can also run a report that compares addresses in the two systems and highlights the differences.
Q: What financial information is transferred to Legrand CRM?
A: Accounting Link will transfer the Customer’s Aged Balances to Legrand CRM, together