17 Nov Purchase Orders
Purchase Orders
Purchase orders are non-posting records of orders that have been placed for items. Because they are “non-posting” these transactions will not affect the general ledger until the order has been received via an item receipt form, a bill, or a check. For inventory items the result is thatthe reports will show ordered, inventory will not increase until received.
Purchase orders are strictly quantity driven. By default when a purchase order is used to record an item receipt, a bill, or a check, the total amount of the purchase (i.e. the full amount ordered) is assumed to be received. If what was received was actually a partial shipment, changing the price to show a partial shipment rather than changing the quantity will result in an incorrectly “closed” purchase order. If a partial shipment is received, the procedure should be to change the quantity to reflect the correction.
QBRA-2003: Vendors > Create Purchase Orders
TIP: The ability to enter the ship to address from a list, and to assign a customer:job to the purchase order was new with Version 99. Prior to that, the default ship to address was from the company information. This has eliminated the time consuming project of typing in the address for drop shipped items. Not to mention eliminating many clerical errors.