Changing between inventory and non-inventory item types - Accounting Software Secrets
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Changing between inventory and non-inventory item types

Changing between inventory and non-inventory item types

Changing between inventory and non-inventory item types

In QuickBooks it is possible to change from non-inventory to inventory part types for items.  It is not possible to change the items from the inventory type to non-inventory type.

Just because you can change the type, doesn't mean you should.  When the item type is changed, all the historical transactions are changed as well.  That means that previous period financial statements will change based on inventory on hand throughout the period. 

Making the items inactive and setting up a new item may be a better way to correct the situation (and is the only alternative for inventory items that should be non-inventory).  If there are many items, consider using the export feature then open the iif file in Excel to change the name slightly and the type.  Save the file as an iif file and then import it into the QuickBooks file.  Don't forget to back up the data file before you try this in case it does not import as expected.

For data files that originally were set up using inventory type items, and later it was discovered that this was probably not the best decision, it is often easier to start a new file.  As noted above, the lists can be exported, corrected and then imported into the new file.  This process may be best at the end of a quarter or end of a year to make the conversion process easier.  Depending on the features and version used, it may be possible to use the remove transactional history option to permit saving the preferences and subscription information of the file.

List Limits Expanded

For most QuickBooks users, the list limit for the QuickBooks Pro and Premier products of 14,500 is sufficient.  For some, however, that is not the case.  We have been seeing increased list size for a variety of reasons.  One of the most common is the increased number of customers as the result of web site sales.  For version 6 and prior, the list limit was doubled for the Enterprise Solutions Product.  New with version 7, the Enterprise Solutions limit has been removed.

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